Book Austronesian In Sulawesi


The publication of this book has brought Austronesian studies in Sulawesi to anew level. As the result of investigations carried out in a limited amount of time, the articles presented here are initial explanations that still require more thorough analyses. However, by performing sustainable research with solid concepts, it is hoped that Austronesian studies will give a better understanding regarding the history and culture of the population which lives in Sulawesi and its surroundings nowadays.

This book is materialized due to the help of the Southeast Asian Studies Regional Exchange Program (SEASREP). This institution has also given the opportunity to the editor to carry out a two-year research program (2004-2006) on the Austronesians in Sulawesi. For this great help, we extend our gratitude, especially to Mrs. Yumiko Himemoto-Hiraishi, the Chief program Officer of the SEASREP and Dr. Maria Serena I. Diokno, a member of the SEASREP Council, for the funds made available for research and the publication of this book. We are much indebted to Dr. David Bulbeck from the Australian National University for his willingness to review the manuscript and offer useful comments and advice regarding the substance of the book. His indefatigable review of our various publications is a rare opportunity to avail. We also would like to convey our sincere gratitude to all those who have participated and helped during the preparation of this book up to its publication especially Mirza Ansyori SS, who has worked hard for setting the book’s format. We hope that this book will inspire more researchers to study the Austronesians, the field of a never ending research in Indonesia. (Editor)

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